Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Stability Eternal Forest Nature Paya Around

Not merely the flooded forest. He is a unique ecosystem consisting instead of hydrology, soil and plants. HPG typically grow mangrove swamp forests after pesisiran coast, covering more area three kilometers (km) up to five km plateau sloping river.
The depth of peat, mostly composed than half decayed plant material (pereputan process completely terhad kerana asidik circumstances and lack of activities of micro-organisms) collected over 8.000 years, allowed the thickness of between eight to 20 meters
It provides a variety of marsh and forest perkhidmatan results, as is directly and indirectly, in the form of forestry and fishery products, escort, provisions of water and flood provisions source of groundwater
The water in the peat swamp is generally contain a high humus material. Raw humus peat swamp water to make war or black color. Because this is water over the peat swamp is often referred to as 'Black Water Gems'.
In short, it is important HPG kerana vastness of land and biological diversity. Over 60 peratus or 20 million hectares than the breadth of world's tropical peatlands located in Southeast Asia particularly in Malaysia and Indonesia.
In Malaysia, HPG includes nearly 75 peratus than the amount of land area covering damp area of approximately 1.6 million hectares. More than 80 peratus located in Sarawak.


Foster education and nasinalisme spirit to fight patriotisma interests of the nation above political interests are stunted and narrow and only sacrifice the interests of the nation. Education was trying his best to instill a sense of brotherhood, Equality, solidarity and togetherness compatriots living in the same boat, defending the State from all forms of oppression both physical and psychic, no matter whether it originates from persecution abroad and from within the country itself. Education leads to love any breeds bangsaagar assets maintained at all costs, to be utilized for the greatness and prosperity of the nation.
Education is essential to development because without the knowledge of a country will not progress. But the fact that not all the people of Indonesia can enjoy education as it should. Millions of children drop out of school, thousands of schools collapsed even evicted, education mafia is rampant, and millions of children who do not even go to school because their parents can not afford so afraid to send their children. What's going on with education in this country? Does the state have not set this problem? Or was it caused by officials who defected from the existing rules?
If we look at the history of education, we will discover how well educated in the Dutch colonial era, which some educated people willing to educate the masses by establishing schools of the people who actually banned by the Dutch East Indies government. Ki Hajar Dewantara As a student who founded the park on 3 July 1922, together with Dr. Dekker Douwer in Yogyakarta.
Ki Hajar Dewantara assume that the parent is not a colonial education of humanity because people always made dependent on the colonial government, and always fed the interests of colonial governments, so that this nation lost identity as an independent nation.Then there is also from the SI SI who founded the school in bandung 1921, by Tan Malaka took a teacher at the school then the school SI newborn was thriving until the school was banned by the government konolial.
Actually, since this country has didirikanya made rules about education, namely on Pancasila, the 1945 opening of paragraph 4 and Article 31 of the 1945 Constitution. In the fifth principle of Pancasila, which reads "social justice for all people of Indonesia" has explained that every citizen should Indonesia memeroleh education. While education is a way to achieve one goal of the nation's intellectual life as contained in the 1945 opening of the fourth paragraph In Article 31 UUD 1945 Paragraph 1 describes the rights of citizens to education. This verse means that citizens do not need the burden of education. But the fact is many Indonesian citizens who drop out of school. In paragraph 2 stated that the government must finance education. Is there done? In fact education is still a burden on society. Education in Indonesia has not entirely free
While paragraph 3 explained that the state education system conducted in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation. But whether the system is reformed repeatedly has achieved success? Talk system, an education researcher found that on average each primary school student from grade 3 to 6 in the past four months studying the books when weighed weighs 43 pounds. Imagine, if this is the intellectual system? That added expense for parents.
In paragraph 4 states that prioritize the state education budget of at least twenty percent of the state budget. Should be the number of such education in Indonesia may be more advanced than today. But the fact is there in every area of regional autonomy that has a policy to cut education subsidies.
Paragraph 5 explains that the government promote the science and technology with religious values and national unity. These verses mean that the education system will not break the unity of the nation. The reality is more complex system of government created actually lead to increases individuality. Imagine, every school is only required that the value of output figures for the school. Consequently each student busy with various types of tutoring or tutoring. On the other hand thousands of cases among students still tawuran coloring education in Indonesia. Is this union?
Discuss the problem - there are educational issues we should also think about the solution. Petama is realize that the education budget by 20% of the national budget. This budget anticipates the existence of fraud. Second, the government should collect taxes from the company - a private company to be allocated to education. Third, seharusnyapemerintah more vigorous and decisive for the rogue elements of the education mafia. Fourth, if the government was unable to intervene should the people in a way contributed to the implementation of education
A notice should state pandidikan problem. The government is not only watching with one eye only, so that education in Indonesia will get better and be able to stand in line with other countries.

Implementing Education, Human Resources and the Integrated Technology

It is the evidence, that a people who excel in the field of education and human resource development (HRD), also will always excel in a global competition. Furthermore, the economic growth of a nation based on human resources will be able to survive and sustainable in the long run, since HR is always renewable resources (renewable resources), which is different from the natural resources at the time
some will run out. Thus, the educational planning and human resource development, which is also associated with the mastery of technology, must be the most important part of national development planning.
It must be admitted, that our nation does not have an integrated planning in education, human resource development and mastery of technology, so slowly, our nation is left behind by the peoples of Asia, especially in Southeast Asia around the 1960s, the real parallel or even be in behind us. This lack of planning among them can be seen from the education budget is always a small amount in each budget preparation, curriculum-based education that is not community needs and competence, and lack of concern for technological innovation in research and development framework. Associated with technological innovation, this is a necessity, because we know that the transfer of technology from developed countries is a very rare and always complicated by a variety of reasons. :
1. Education and Human Resource Development
Education is not the process of making people become craftsmen, but a civilizing process through the planting of values. Furthermore, the values that have been obtained will be more efficient if after taking education, one is able to apply his knowledge in the form of real work. For this reason, education and our work can also call a process of constant cultivation. Education strategy we have developed is able to grasp the opportunities or needs in the community to maintain the momentum of economic growth accompanied by equity, we can no longer rely solely on capital factors. It has been proved that among the stagnation of economic development today is because we are too dependent to factor this capital.
When capital becomes scarce because of the crisis, the direct economic growth declined, especially people who are not equipped by sufficient skills, will become poor. Conversely, if economic growth is supported by HR and keunggulam adequate mastery of technology, then the crisis affecting our nation will have no impact so severe that it is today.
With a superior human resources is by itself will create the productivity of society as a whole is higher. This situation means that people will have enough purchasing power, because the previous revenue high enough. With sufficient purchasing power of this, it will still stimulate national production, especially when the industry is an industry developed that does not rely on imported raw materials. In other words, the growth momentum, although will be disturbed but will not be too long like this.
In a macro perspective, this means that human resources development is also an effort to maintain the growth momentum while pemerataan.Untuk get a superior HR and noble, we not only have to develop education at a higher level but just when the baby is still in the mother's stomach contents. Pregnant women health care, adequate nutrition fulfillment and guidance in the family and the leaders ketauladanan is the main condition to be moved to the next level of education. The next stage, then we set the type and level of education what should be developed so that the macro, national development can take place. Among the problems for this is lack of manpower we are skilled enough. This is generally caused because the portion of participants in the field of technical education, including in agriculture, is still far compared with the social field. And we know that the labor needed in the community, even more so in the era of globalization is having the skills to produce. Therefore, with no educational activities intended to minimize the social field, the technical education should get a portion of a sufficient number of participants. Thus the real strategy has been applied by countries that currently have developed and advanced in the Asian region.
Furthermore, who also became an important issue in education and human resource development is the wide gap between levels of education. now, on the one hand we have the skilled manpower is very low (low-skilled labor) and on the other side there is a very labor skilled even to S3 levels in sufficient quantities. Meanwhile the middle-skilled were little. This is because of our secondary education is still a bear, so have not been able to fill the market. work both inside and outside the country. That's why, no wonder if the TKI / TKW who were sent abroad to work mostly level housekeeper. Understanding this, the populist nationalists should be able to develop an educational system not only to increase the knowledge of the values but also in terms of superior human resource development.
Therefore, education must have a clear relevance to the needs of the community. Education in agricultural and marine communities, for example, must be more forward cultivation techniques, maintenance, arrest and process technology as well. Similarly, education should be developed in the forestry community, should be closely related to the conservation and utilization of forest products. And so on, so that the results of education can directly benefit the production process, in addition to those who have worked it would earn bias.
Vacancies at high skill levels required for this to expand vocational education (vocational education) which continues at the polytechnic. In addition, in order to face the globalization era, the foreign language education, especially English, should be compulsory subjects, so that every graduate education and vocational-technical secondary level are proficient in foreign languages. Thus, the qualifications of skilled workers produced would be absorbed by the market not only domestically but also abroad, an apparent bias to be a big source of foreign exchange!
2. Mastery of technology for National Independence
The industrial revolution in Europe is no other place for the discovery of steam engine technology, so the speed of production with good quality can occur many times over. of discovery, then accelerate the discovery efforts of other new technologies in various fields within the framework of competition between nations.

In other words, the more advanced a nation in the mastery of technology, the more advanced nations are also in general. Therefore, forward and decline of a nation depends on the mastery of technology. Mastery of technology becomes necessary if the Indonesian people to get up and independent. The process of mastering this technology is to be done in stages and is associated with the needs of most people.
However, the possibility did not we develop technology that is capital intensive technologies such as aerospace, shipping, automotive, electronics and semiconductors and the like, as long as it does not interfere with the allocation of economic resources for the people. For Indonesia the most rural communities in which means to wrestle in the agricultural and marine, the development of technology in this sector should be developed very seriously. Breeding technology, maintenance and technology or manufacturing processes, must be developed in various ways. With the mastery of technology in this sector, then the potential that had been buried immediately extracted, so the high economic value.
Thus, we no longer need to massively import goods for agricultural products such as this, because it is not appropriate for a fertile nation like Indonesia. Populist nationalists must resist an expert opinion, especially in collaboration with the State of the advanced industrial countries, the international division of labor that must be put developing countries like Indonesia is only responsible for providing raw materials and no need to develop the technology. Such opinion is what really has plunged our nation to ruin and current dependence. We know, that the value added of a technological process can be achieved not only in terms of decades, but also hundreds and even thousands of times. Our nation is now capable of making an aircraft that has about 70 thousand components. With this capability, certainly not a difficulty to make a product that is far below the number of components it. Let's say the car industry, because the car was only advanced consist of approximately 20 thousand components. So it is with motorcycles and other transport both land and sea.

If this can be met, then we no longer need to be flooded with imported goods which must have similar highly profitable state producers. Similarly, for agricultural tools and fishing obviously massively used by the people of Indonesia, we really do not need to massively import it if we are serious about developing these technologies.
With our increasing inability to create and develop the technology, then our nation itself will gradually released from dependence on industrial countries forward. Even at the next stage, not only are we able to let go of this dependence, but we will also be able to compete and stand next to these nations. This has been proved by clear by countries that have implemented this technology development strategy, particularly in the East Asia and some countries in Southeast Asia.

Senin, 23 November 2009


May 1998 peak of revolution is the overthrow of the Great General (ret) Soeharto, preceded by the occupation of Parliament House by the Indonesian students. However, the revolution is only the beginning of May 1998 from the first stage (first strage) pioneered the revolution of democracy student movement. The first stage of this democratic revolution is the demolition phase of the mass consciousness and students of the economic structure, political, social and cultural oppressive or exploitative. The process of formation of the first stage of this democratic revolution took place in the history of the new regime (some are marked "top" student resistance movement in 1974, 1987.1989, and 1998). Role adhoc opposition student movement is the historical role of the structurally imposed by the new regime is running a new type of fascism faasisme development (developmental Fascism). This becomes a permanent role in the history of the new regime because diberangusnya all formal opposition forces (the conditions of democracy is the role of political parties) and civil ditundukkannya masuarakat in corporatist-fasistis, or through open violence.
The role of this ad hoc opposition student movement re-executed under the regime of Abdurrahman Wahid as; First: total reform is not implemented by all the political institutions either legislative, executive and judiciary; second: there is no single political party who asserted the power of oppositional politics and fight for the implementation of total reform agenda without political compromise with the new regime; three: all political parties contesting in the election in 1999 (48 parties) is legitimator Act flawed elections Validating the existence of democracy because the TNI / police in the legislature (the parliament, DPRD I and DPRD II) and participation of the Functional Groups Party the election without legal liability for political crimes, economic and human rights throughout the 32-year New Order regime. Thus, all political parties defected to the total reform agenda and the democratic revolution, as a political collaborator new regime.
The first stage of this democratic revolution began in the overthrow of the Great General (ret) Suharto ended in implementing a total reform agenda. If the entire reform agenda the establishment of a total run of political demarcation democracy / political reform anti-demokrasi/anti total of total reform. Therefore the total reform agenda has not executed until the current regime of Abdurrahman Wahid, the movement runs continuously mahasiswapun adhoc his opposition. It can be noted by a number of "another peak" than in May 1998 (the occupation of the parliament and the overthrow of Suharto), November 1998 (Semanggi I, the rejection of the SI MPR), September 1999 (Semanggi II, Rejection of State Hazard Reduction Act), October 1999 ( rejection of Habibie and Wiranto), January 2001 to the present (the demand to the decline and dissolution of Abdurrahman Wahid of the Golkar Party and the courts).
In the time scale, can not be set when the first stage of democratic revolution, or the implementation of total reform agenda over. It is not possible, even berikutnyapun regime from a flawed electoral democracy in 1999, when Abdurrahman Wahid to resign, will not be able and willing to complete the first phase of the democratic revolution. But theoretically, the second stage (second stage) of the democratic revolution can be started when all of a total reform agenda has been started. This second phase is the demolition phase of the economic structure, political, social and cultural oppressive or exploitative. In keduainilah phase stabilization and democratic development run through the process of consolidation and deepening of democracy.

Does the student movement free of political interests? Of course not, because first and foremost the interests of the stands are the values (values) or value systems (system values) that are universal such as social justice, freedom, humanity, democracy and solidarity with the oppressed people. Therefore adhoc opposition student movement in Indonesia is a political movement values (movement of political values) and not a political movement of power (political power movement) which is the basic function of political parties.
Universal values are also living in a historical context of the student movement. Student movement in Indonesia to translate these values in the context of contemporary Indonesian politics in the form of a total reform agenda today include:
1. '45 Amendment to the constitution of democracy,
2. Revocation of dual function of ABRI (TNI / police) or the elimination of the role of politics, business and territorial TNI / police.
3. Court actors throughout the Suharto government corruption, Habibie and Abdurrahman Wahid,
4. Court of human rights crimes during the government of Soeharto, Habibie and Abdurrahman Wahid.
5. decentralization as wide as possible,
6. labor and agricultural reforms.

Compared with the power of political movements that characterized the political parties, where the agenda setting and political targets as well as segregation and his political opponents as merely tactical and strategic matters to reinforce and strengthen his political position in the constellation of power now and in the future. So the value of political movements that characterized the student movement although agenda setting and conduct of political targets as well as segregation and his political opponents, but not to reinforce and strengthen his political position in the constellation of power. For example, when the student movement rejected the election days of 1999 the Habibie regime, more due to the calculation that the election was flawed democracy and reform. However, for the 48 political parties participating in election 1999, election is an opportunity to achieve and strengthen political or simply gain legal legitimacy for the existence of his party, even just getting a little office and a pinch of money.

Because standing as a political movement value, then the 2001 student movement generation smoothly now setting the agenda and goals of the new politics that avoids their traps and manipulation of elite interests and certain political parties. Through the battle of ideas is quite sharp between groups and student movements, now practically all elements of the student movement "together again" as a political movement score, defend and guard the democratic revolution to fight for total reform agenda which they all aspire hand in hand. Now, we all witnessed the power of synergy of ideas and students' movement 'united' fight for total reform agenda or six for reform agenda coupled with lower Abdurrahman Wahid, refused to increase fuel prices and groceries and makes learning a new order-Golkar party as a common enemy

Violence in the Student Movement

Demonstrators? Hothead
Many critics, recent student movement was no longer considered to be pure, and had begun to impose the will. Especially since they also began practicing violence as a backlash for his repressive security forces had received. How could you? Are not they all used to be "nice kids" who managed didepolitisir by New Order?

Natural much press coverage, the chance conversation, or just eavesdrop the conversation of people on the bus, stop, or anywhere, yesterday, yesterday it was time to strengthen mixed anxiety about the disappointment of many student actions lately. Their complaints on average the same: a demonstration student = stuck everywhere, and about the part beringasnya student actions in dealing with repressive behavior of the security forces. In fact, these complaints could then grow even worse, and metamorphose into suspicions of the purity of motive of every action the student, who was held with more sesaki meets-street.
For the first complaint, without pretending to represent the voice of friends yearning for students who depend on the highway-please forgive. (Perhaps, like that done by workers digging the phone or tap-tomorrow-tomorrow each time held a demonstration, students must put signpost: "Sorry your trip disrupted. You hope to take another path. Indonesia is still under repair") occupied the highway with a mass in large number are in common use since a long time to demonstrate to the authorities protesting the deaf heart, frozen conscience, and hates change. The goal is clear, once again the show. Demonstrations-not the first show of force, that there are voices of discontent that failed absorbed by the walls of the parliament building and its inhabitants. About the effectiveness of this way, everyone can argue with the evidence of each. But this is already a tradition. Therefore, perhaps it is necessary to process the action pencanggihan methods in the future, of course not ignore the urgency to accommodate a variety of support and criticism from the public.
Indeed, there are many ways states protest. For example, in his book The Politics of nonviolent Action (1980), Gene Sharp reported that there were approximately 198 non-violence action method that successfully collected from the history of political movements from various parts of the world. It is written, there are many methods that are not inherent in the written culture that has not been found. Also, from the 198 action is likely to grow more dependent human creativity in expanding in accordance with the political regime that it faces. In his book, Sharp - who once dubbed the''Machiavelli's''non-violence - reject the general assumption that the method of tactical non-violence for Gandhi is not practical to change the movement movement for political change. In contrast, historical studies show that the human race by their actions have made non-violence when exploited by the regime in power. Indeed there are some who fail to achieve political change quickly, but most managed to impress.
Of the many kinds of methods such action, Sharp divide it into three major sections according to the degree of intensity: (1) protest, demonstration, and persuasion; (2) nonkooperasi economic, social, political, and (3) non-violent intervention. As a protest, demonstration, and persuasion, had succeeded, nonkooperasi method is not used. Method of intervention used only as an ultimate weapon, as a protest, persuasion, nonkooperasi, did not work.
The first method is to deliver the demands of the public communication path, so that the authorities responded. Not limited to verbal communication, but also symbolic and interactive. There are about 54 methods included here, including public statements, declarations, petitions, slogans, caricatures, posters, leflet, lobby, symbolic clothing, color flag, drawing a protest, a protest prayer, drama, music, parades, ceremonies victim's death repression, the deputy representative delivery, sitting on the street, walk out, and so on.
Nonkooperasi method is non-violence action in a way not to cooperate with the regime or sever its ties with regimes that affected the interests of the regime. Around 103 kinds of methods included here. Among other things, boycotts, delays support, strike, out of a particular institution, stay home, go migrate, economic boycotts, embargoes, economic sanctions, refused to support, refusing help, and information block command, refused the meeting, refusing dialogue, and so on .
Method of intervention was taken when the two methods above does not work. He as a last resort because it has a high risk. This method is pressing psychologically and physically, without violence to the opposition or the authorities. There are about 41 kinds of action in here. Among them was fasting, days mempuasai casualties, hunger strike, occupied a strategic place, create an alternative mass organizations, blockade of the symbols of oppression, to unmask a secret agent, freeing political prisoners, the authorities cut off ties with his supporters, to discredit a position of power from international association , and so on.
Most of the action on the students has been practiced in many actions throughout the year 1998 with the result that quite brilliantly. The principle of all the action is non-violence. Such action could work effectively without great sacrifice of mass. However, such action would be effective if done consistently, the success of one another support. Consistently non-violence action can undermine the power structure, because the power is essentially rely on the cooperative relationship between rulers and ruled, the people. If the relationship is shaky and cracks, then the authorities would lose ground. All kinds of action on the somewhat tenuous at the authorities and people relationships. Intelligent ruler is usually very idea of this danger. They will soon respond to the emergence of action immediately, even since the first method appears, if you do not want to lose his power base.
As for the second complaint, the answer was more difficult, and apparently was not enough with an apology or a proclamation. If said student does not understand politics without violence, it is not true. Most, if not virtually all, the student protests during the actual non-violent demonstrations. New students to take the way of violence, it was very minimal like throwing a stone, simply to protect themselves from the brutal forces. Also, student demonstrations during the Reformation of Peace between February-May 1998 and who managed to reduce the Suharto almost all be peaceful, without violence. Why are students in Jakarta recently took a sudden violent way? Seeing the actions of students who are attacking (offensive), students seem to have lost the power of creation and trapped in a violent way. Student Kawab friends seemed to have entered the area of violence. Students have been demanding political change by forcing the will by physical force (coercion by force) that can mengerasi, injure, and even claimed lives, perhaps the students own lives, the lives of officers, or any other party.
Some critics voice was even worried about him so far away that there is to imagine it could be developed later will factions of hardliners among the students who developed similar to the Red Brigades in Italy, the Red Army in Japan, or terrorist groups that are leading many of the other members consisting of former student activists who are frustrated and choose terlanjut violence and terrorism as a means of struggle. If it's only a club versus clubs, tear gas and bullets versus Intifada-style stones, lest later evolved into suicide bombing, or other modes that are not less scary. Wow!
If you want to be called just as frustrated motivation behind the group members terror spreader mentioned above, there is perhaps some fellow students who experience it, certainly in the levels and different levels. Radicalization everywhere it appears and the strengthening of deeply rooted dissatisfaction. But this can not explain the radicalization tiban-be radical in a sudden-that occurred in a large group of students Jakarta? Do not they count "are poorer" tradition of action than many fellow students in the cities' higher-demo "as Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Malang, Makassar, and others?
A number of our analysis could probably borrow to menjelasnya. But most agreed that the accumulated discontent, continued to drift. Anger and frustration are mounting as it had always been the "land nursery" a fertile ground for radical ideas. Well, it's more conducive for "given fertilizer", a situation that objectively supports it, the long-wore on the economic crisis that led to the destruction of the government's credibility before the people. The result, emerged a new awareness of phenomenal, a consciousness to do something. Well, it is almost mematang awareness, continually dibenturkan by the empirical fact that a change is not always a bargaining process running smoothly. There are hard conflict there, a victim who fell for it. At such times, resentment is rising due to too forcefully witness that he hoped the change never happened, their frustration began to emerge. The old ways will begin to negotiate re-examined. Some of those who have not come to the fullness of the understanding that the struggle was a "long-term employment", did not hesitate to cut his senses. Without thinking, they feel the need to elaborate further principles of non-violence-without closing the defensive attitude of course-to find another way could be more effective, though a bit more about it contains principles which dikecamnya own violence. This situation is exacerbated by not properly terkonsolidasinya mass consciousness. So that every action that's always risky going to be loaded by a lot of "political tourists", a number of students who take action without reflection is supported by the maturity of the action and just experience it as an adventure, an adrenaline spurred existential needs that are inherent to the character of youth.
Explanation of the above can easily obtain justification, simply by looking at how much liquid bonds-especially political-ideological mass during held. Please understand, after all this time didepolitisasi, mostly fellow students already become expensive and spoiled. The presence of some of them as "cheerleaders" in any real action, though harmless they are very significant quantity to "deter" opponent. With the political consciousness is still very liquid, and is still struggling limited to slogans, it is difficult for them to be positioned himself as a mass action.
Questionable if some activist judge that the dialectic paradigm of thinking about movement is finished, as if he had awakened an ideological movement that is too sacred to be direevaluasi. We can agree on political change as the estuary of this movement, but their vision to put the mobilization of an open and frontal resistance will only deal with walls that are too hard to penetrate when most members of the community and strategic groups other is not ready.
This is clearly not judgments. Anyone may agree, or across the street from this analysis. This is clearly not judgments. Anyone may agree, or across the street from this analysis. Understand, the student movement is always open the possibility of internal changes, or shifts in understanding the vision of our movement. The only thing that never changed is our agreement together: we will continue to move until the changes we'll miss terjelang. Each oppression always will bring resistance. Agreed?.